A Multi-Level Marketing Program To Sell Your Business
Marketing Program A Comprehensive Multi-Level Marketing Strategy to Promote Your Business
When you enter into an exclusive listing agreement with TBB, you gain access to a robust multi-level marketing strategy that encompasses:
- Online Marketing TBB showcases your business on its website as well as on 15 affiliate platforms.
- Email Campaigns TBB sends targeted emails to investors and pre-qualified buyers actively seeking specific business opportunities.
- Telemarketing Outreach TBB reaches out to in-house investors and businesses in related fields to gauge interest in acquiring or expanding a business.
- Print Advertising TBB places advertisements in both local newspapers and industry-specific publications.
- Promotional Materials TBB distributes flyers and postcards to businesses that are similar or complementary to yours.
- Networking with Business Brokers TBB shares details about your business with other prominent business brokerage firms.
- Regular Updates and Reports TBB provides you with monthly updates that outline our efforts and list any potential prospects and inquiries.
- Given the sensitive nature of the information in your business listing—such as financial data, revenue specifics, and inventory details—we ensure that this information is only shared with qualified candidates who have signed confidentiality agreements.
Total Business Brokers is the industry leader in the marketing and sales of businesses, mergers and acquisitions, and franchises. Whether you represent an acquisition-minded corporation or are personally interested in owning your own company or new franchise. Total Business Brokers offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and seller together.
Confidentiality - Privacy - Professionalism
We Make Buying & Selling Easy